Resource Pack: Online Safety For Activists
Iffat Jahan Antara, Shamsad Navia Novelly, Shravasti Roy Nath

Resource Pack: Online Safety for Activists aims to share knowledge and learning about online gender-based violence (OGBV). It provides a comprehensive list of strategies and existing protection mechanisms to create safety for online activists and others. […]

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Research, Bangladesh
Research report
Backlash in the Lebanese Media
Nay El Rahi

This research report from the Arab Institute for Women explores the presence of backlash in Lebanese media, and how it is used. […]

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Patriarchy, Policy, Voice, Research, Lebanon
Research report
Understanding Backlash in Lebanon
Nay El Rahi

This research report from the Arab Institute for Women explores definitions of backlash, and how backlash should be understood in Lebanon. […]

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Patriarchy, Policy, Voice, Lebanon
Chess for Countering Backlash
Jerker Edström

This Chess – Shatranj or Chaturanga – workshop exercise can be played in various ways. You can play this as an exercise – or a series of exercises – in a workshop setting. You can also do it at home or at your desk, to aid thinking and research. […]

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Patriarchy, Convening
Working Paper
Anti-Gender Backlash: Where is Philanthropy?
Lisa VeneKlasen

This working paper explores how philanthropic institutions with a history of supporting women’s and LGBTQI+ rights and democracy are seeing and responding to anti-gender backlash, and the background dynamics shaping the struggle. […]

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Policy, Research
IDS Bulletin
Understanding Gender Backlash: Southern Perspectives

The 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 1995, and the 10th anniversary of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), are fast approaching. And with global progress on gender justice on the rise around the world, we […]

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Patriarchy, Policy, Voice, Research, Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Kenya, Lebanon, Uganda
Policy Brief
বাংলাদেশের পারিবারিক সহিংসতা আইন বাস্তবায়নে নেতিবাচক প্রতিক্রিয়া (ব্যাকল্যাশ) প্রতিরোধ
Maheen Sultan, Pragyna Mahpara

নারী ও শিশু নির্যাতন দমন আইন এবং পারিবারিক সহিংসতা (প্রতিরোধ ও সুরক্ষা) আইন ২০১০- এর মতো আইন থাকা সত্ত্বেও বাংলাদেশে পারিবারিক সহিংসতার হার অনেক বেশি। বাংলাদেশ পরিসংখ্যান ব্যুরোর তথ্য অনুযায়ী, প্রতি পাঁচজন নারীর মধ্যে প্রায় তিনজন (৫৭.৭%) তাদের জীবদ্দশায় কোনো না কোনো ধরনের শারীরিক, যৌন বা মানসিক সহিংসতার শিকার হয়েছেন। […]

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Policy, Voice, Research, Bangladesh
Policy Brief
Countering Backlash in the Implementation of Bangladesh’s Domestic Violence Act
Maheen Sultan, Pragyna Mahpara

Domestic violence rates are high in Bangladesh in spite of laws such as the Nari o Shishu Nirjatan Domon Ain and the DVPPA 2010. According to data from the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, almost three in every five women (57.7%) have experienced some form of physical, sexual, or emotional violence in their lifetime. […]

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Policy, Voice, Research, Bangladesh
Journal Paper
Anti-Gender Discourse in Serbian Media
Marijana Stojčić, Nađa Bobičić

This paper seeks to lay out a critical feminist analysis of anti-gender discourse in 843 media texts published in Serbia from January 1, 2019 to October 31, 2022. A database with the largest coverage of mainstream news was selected. […]

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Research, Serbia
Journal Paper
Patriarchal (Dis)orders: Backlash as Crisis Management
Jerker Edström, Alan Greig, Chloe Skinner

This article examines more global dynamics of backlash, exploring the question of why and how it has emerged with greater intensity in recent years, and how we can better understand it. […]

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Patriarchy, Research, Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Kenya, Lebanon, Pakistan, Serbia, Turkey, Uganda
Reversing Domestic Workers’ Rights: Stories of Backlash and Resilience in Delhi
Gender at Work Consulting India

‘Reversing Domestic Workers’ Rights: Stories of Backlash and Resilience in Delhi’ is a timely and important new ‘storybook’ produced by Gender at Work Consulting – India. It shares 12 stories from domestic workers living in Delhi NCR, and the often-tragic tales of their lives. […]

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Policy, Voice, Research, India
Briefing Note
Backlash in Action? Or Inaction? Stalled Implementation of the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act 2010 in Bangladesh
Maheen Sultan, Pragyna Mahpara

This paper explores the lax implementation of the Domestic Violence Act, and how it is effecting gender backlash in Bangladesh. It also examines how women’s rights organisations have articulated feminist voices in terms of agenda and framing and used collective agency to counter the pushback. […]

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Policy, Voice, Research, Bangladesh