Research report
Published 2015

This collaborative evidence review critically assesses the trends and shifts in social norms and structures that influenced gender in/equality and masculinities over the past 20 years. These include successful policies, programmes and implications for best practice regarding engaging men and boys, as well as future directions for promoting men’s and boys’ support for gender equality across a variety of nine thematic areas. The review moves beyond a narrow or individualistic programmatic focus and attempts to achieve a broader understanding of the interplay between laws, policies, and institutional practices in achieving gender equality. Moreover, the review aims to understand the most effective pathways for sustainable change which account for individual, relational, community and structural factors. The publication deals with thorny issues in relation to men’s engagement in violence prevention work, support for addressing women’s exclusion from politics and disengaging men from patriarchy.

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Edström, J.; Hassink, A.; Shahrokh, T. and Stern, E. (eds) (2015) ‘Engendering Men: A Collaborative Review of Evidence on Men and Boys in Social Change and Gender Equality’, EMERGE Evidence Review, Promundo-US, Sonke Gender Justice and the Institute of Development Studies